This project aims to develop systems for determining
and transmitting seismic parameters using seismic data, which are
collected through the nationwide earthquake monitoring networks.
The information is to be telemetered to users, such as the administrative
organizations concerned, private companies and the general public
in order to take effective disaster mitigation measures immediately
after the occurrence of earthquakes.
NIED is developing the Realtime Earthquake Information System
(REIS) that will enable the organizations and people concerned to
take substantial disaster mitigation measures rapidly, such as protecting
and mitigating damage to life lines, high-precision processing lines
and human lives by transmitting seismic data that are from the nationwide
networks of high-sensitivity seismographs (Hi-net), broad-band seismographs
(F-net) and strong-motion seismographs (K-NET). The primary information
is focal parameters (origin time, hypocenter and magnitude): the
system will determine those parameters within several seconds after
seismic wave arrival at the nearest station. The information includes
CMT solution, rupture propagation direction, aftershock distribution,
focal mechanism, stress drop and changes in Coulomb's failure function.
Another theme is to develop and implement systems for transmitting
the information in the form requested by particular users.
The Real-time Earthquake Information Consortium (REIC) has
been established, consisting of public organizations, private companies,
specialists and users related to the production and utilization
of real-time earthquake information. The consortium is promoting
the establishment of environments to enable information to be transmitted
in such a way that end users can take effective disaster mitigation
measures. Consequently, this project covers an entire range of areas
including data analysis, information transmission and utilization
of transmitted earthquake information.