
System Evaluation on Demonstrative Experiments

  Fujisawa City of Kanagawa Prefecture was selected as the first local government for a test site, where demonstrative experiments of the REIS have been conducted since fiscal 2002.

  The systems aim to inform and warn people when a large earthquake occurs at a certain distance, such as the Tokai, Tonankai and Nankai Earthquakes, before strong shakes reach the city through several alarm sound systems. The demonstrative experiments examine the performances of the systems for the appropriate use of earthquake information through wireless broadcasting, CATV, FM radio, etc. The systems will enable people to ensure their safety and minimize damage to their property by taking fire-extinguishing measures, etc.

  The demonstrative experiments are to be conducted up to the end of fiscal 2005. Construction of an earthquake information utilization system shown below is planned for completion by the end of the research period.

National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention