1.氏名: 山水 史生
2.居室: 第一地震調査研究棟 2階 204室
3.TEL: 029-863-7534
4.FAX: 029-851-5658
6.専門分野: 地震学、地殻構造
  • 反射法地震探査による首都圏の浅部地殻構造の研究
  • 8.所属プロジェクト:
  • 関東・東海地域における地震活動に関する研究
  • 9.論文リスト:
  • Yamamizu, F. (1996): A Numerical Simulation of Strong Ground Motions of rather Long Periodnear Earthquake Fault including Effects of Deep Soil Deposits, Report NIED, 57, 1-22.
  • Yamamizu, F. (1996): Down-hole Measurements of Seismic Wave Velocities in Deep Soil Deposits benesth the Tokyo Metropolitan Area, Report NIED, 56, 1-32.
  • Kasahara, K., F. Yamamizu, A. Takahashi, and T. Ikawa (1991): Reflection Profiles of the Active Seismic and Volcanic Region off the East Coast of Izu Peninsula, J. Phys. Earth, 39, 361-370.
  • Yamamizu, F., N. Goto, Y. Ohta, and H. Takahashi (1983): Attenuation of Shear Waves in Deep Soil Deposits as revealed by Down-Hole Measurements in the 2,300 meter Borehole of the Shimohsa Observatory, Japan, J. Phys. Earth, 31, 139-157.
  • 一覧に戻る
    2004/08/31 updated