1.氏名: | 堀内 茂木 |
2.居室: | 第二地震調査研究棟 2階 205室 |
3.TEL: | 029-863-7608 |
4.FAX: | 029-863-7610 |
5.電子メール: | |
6.専門分野: | 地震学 |
- 7.最近の研究テーマ:
- 高サンプリング観測システムの開発、長野県西部における応力降下量の分布に関する研究
- 構造の時間変化検出手法の開発、地震波リアルタイム処理システムの開発
- 8.所属プロジェクト:
- 地震発生機構に関する研究
- リアルタイム地震情報の伝達・利用に関する研究
- 高サンプリング稠密地震観測
- 9.論文リスト:
- Horiuchi,S., and Iio,Y., Stress drop distribution of Micro-earthquakes at Ootaki, Nagano Prefecture,
Japan, obtained from waveform data by borehole stations, Proceedings of International Workshop
on Seismotectonics at the Subduction zone, Nov.29-Dec.1, 1999, P.419-426, 2000.
- 堀内茂木・松澤暢・長谷川昭,地震が多発した場合にも処理可能な地震波自動処理システムの開発,地震,
第2輯, 52, 241-254, 1999.
- 堀貞喜・大井昌弘・堀内茂木・石田瑞穂,CMT解と震源時間関数の迅速な自動決定とその結果の評価,地震,
第2輯, 395-405,1999.
- 小野寺充・堀内茂木・長谷川昭, Vp/Vsインヴァージョンによる1996年鬼首地震震源域周辺の3次元
地震波速度構造、地震, 第2輯, 51, 265-279, 1998.
- 長谷川昭・堀内茂木・深尾良夫, 長期予測のための調査観測、地震, 51, 191-199, 1998
- Nakamura,A., Horiuchi,S., and Hasegawa,A., Joint focal mechanism determination with source-
region station correction using short-period body-wave amplitude data, Bull. Seismol. Soc.
Am., 89, 373-383,1998
- Rocco,G.F.E., Horiuchi,S., and Hasegawa,A., Study on the state of stress around earthquake
swarm areas using P-wave polarity data: Nikko-Ashio and Teishi Knoll, J. Phys. Earth, 45,
29-40, 1997.
- Horiuchi,S., Tsumura,N., and Hasegawa,A., Mapping of a magma reservoir beneath Nikko-Shirane
volcano in northern Kanto, Japan, from travel time and seismogram shape anomalies, J.
Geophys. Res., 102,18071-18090, 1997.
- Tsumura,N., Hasegawa,A. and Horiuchi,S., Simultaneous estimation of attenuation structure,
source parameters and site response spectra using small earthquakes recorded at many
stations, Phys. Earth Planet. Int., 93, 105-121, 1996.
- 開原貴美・堀内茂木・長谷川昭・仁田交市・河野俊夫, 多点アレイ地震観測による短周期地震波計の
空間変化と表層地盤構造, 地震, 第2輯, 49, 169-177, 1996.
- Horiuchi,S., Rocco,G., and Hasegawa,A., Discrimination of fault planes from auxiary
planes based on simultaneous determination of stress tensor and a large number of
fault plane solutions, J. Geophys. Res., 100, 8327-8338, 1995.
- 松本聡・津村紀子・開原貴美・岡田知己・堀内茂木・長谷川昭・伊東明彦,日光周辺域における
アレイ観測から得られたPコーダ波の性質と不均質構造,地震,第2輯,48, 387-399, 1995.
- 堀内茂木・松澤暢・松本聡・津村紀子・長谷川昭・堀修一郎・海野徳仁・河野俊夫・仁田交市・
の分布,地震,第2輯,46,75-84, 1994.
- 河野俊夫・仁田交市・松本聡・堀内茂木・岡田知己・開原貴美・長谷川昭・堀修一郎・海野徳仁・
- Hasegawa,A., Horiuchi,S., and Umino,N., Seismic structure of the northeastern Japan
convergent margin; A synthesis, J. Geophys. Res., 99, 22295-22311, 1994.
- Hasegawa,A., Yamamoto,A., Zhao,D., Hori,S. and Horiuchi,S., Deep structure of
arc volcanoes as inferred from seismic observations, Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society London A, 342, 167-178, 1993.
- 津村紀子・堀内茂木・長谷川昭・笠原敬司,山梨県東部におけるフィリピン海プレート上部
- Horiuchi,S., Aoki,H., Fujii,I., Haneda,T., Hasegawa,A., and others, The 1986 Joint
Seismological Research in Western Nagano Prefecture - Hypocenter locations by
a dense network-, J. Phys. Earth, 40 , 313-326, 1992.
- Horiuchi,S., Matsuzawa,T. and Hasegawa,A., A real-time processing system using personal
computers observed in the 1986 Joint Seismological Research in Western Nagano Prefecture,
J. Phys. Earth, 40 , 395-406, 1992.
- Inamori,T., Horiuchi,S. and Hasegawa,A., Location of mid-crustal reflectors by
a reflection method using aftershock waveform data in the focal area of the 1984
Western Nagano Prefecture Earthquake, J. Phys. Earth, 40, 379-393, 1992.
- Yamazaki,F., Horiuchi,S. and others, Focal mechanism analyses of aftershocks of
the 1984 Western Nagano Prefecture Earthquake, J. Phys. Earth, 40, 327-341, 1992.
- Hirahara,K., Hirata,N. Ikami,A., Miyamachi,H., Yabuki,T., Aoki,H., Fujii,N. Haneda,T.
Hasegawa,A., Hirano,N., Horiuchi,S. and others, Three-dimensional P and S wave velocity
structure in the focal region of the 1984 Western Nagano Prefecture Earthquake,
J. Phys. Earth, 40, 343-360, 1992.
- Zhao,D., Hasegawa,A., and Horiuchi,S., Tomographic imaging of P and S wave velocity
structure beneath northeastern Japan, J. Geophys. Res., 97, 19909-19928, 1992.
- Zhao,D., Horiuchi,S. and Hasegawa,A., Seismic velocity structure of the crust
beneath the Japan Islands, Tectonophys., 212, 289-301, 1992.
- 堀内茂木・津村紀子・長谷川昭・堀修一郎・仁田交市, 微弱反射波検出のための高
- 長谷川昭・趙 大鵬・山本 明・堀内茂木,地震波からみた東北日本の火山の深部
構造と内陸地震の発生機構,火山,36 , 197-210,1991.
- Hasegawa,A., Zhao,D., Hori,S., Yamamoto,A. and Horiuchi,S., Deep structure of
the northeastern Japan arc and its relationship to seismic and volcanic activity,
Nature, 352 , 683-689, 1991.
- Zana,N., Horiuchi,S.,Murakami,E., and Takagi,A., High frequency earthquakes
occurring outside the western Rift Valley of Africa, Sci. Rep. Tohoku Univ.,
Ser.5, Geophysics, 33, 69-82, 1990.
- 堀内茂木・植木貞人・西澤あずさ・趙大鵬・日野亮太・長谷川昭・松澤暢・河野俊夫・
からみた溶融体の規模について,地震,第2輯,43 , 379- 387,1990.
- Zhao,D., Horiuchi,S., and Hasegawa,A., P-wave velocity of the upper-most mantle
off the Japan Sea coast, Tohoku Geophys. J., 33 , 177- 183, 1990.
- Zhao,D., Horiuchi,S., and Hasegawa,A. 3-D seismic wave velocity structure of the
crust in the northeastern Japan arc, Tectonophysics, 181, 135-149, 1990.
- 長谷川昭・堀内茂木・植木貞人・西澤あずさ・松澤 暢・海野徳仁・堀修一郎・稲盛隆穂・
松本 聡・浜口博之・高木章雄・田中和夫・鈴木将之・末広 潔,エアガンによる
磐梯山周辺域の地殻構造探査,地震,第2輯,42 , 161-169, 1989.
- Horiuchi,S., Hasegawa,A., Takagi,A., Ito,A., Suzuki,M. and Kameyama, H.,
Mapping of a melting zone near Mt. Nikko-Shirane in northern Kanto, Japan,
as inferred from SxP and SxS reflections, Tohoku Geophys. J., 31 , 43-55, 1988.
- 堀内茂木・松澤暢・長谷川昭,パソコンを用いた多チャンネルディジタル記録システム,
地震,第2輯,40 , 119-122,1987.
- 堀内茂木・山本明・松澤暢・河野俊夫・長谷川昭・高木章雄・伊神軍・山田守・青木治三,
- 佐藤俊也・堀内茂木・堀修一郎・佐藤隆司・楠瀬勤一郎・村上栄寿・立花憲司・
(1)ー地震活動と地殻変動についてー,地震,2輯, 36, 63-75, 1983.
- Horiuchi,S., Ishii,H., and Takagi,A.,Two-dimensional depth structure of
the crust beneath the Tohoku district,the northeastern Japan arc-Part 1.
Method and Conrad discontinuity, J.Phys.Earth,30, 47-69, 1982.
- Horiuchi,S., Yamamoto,A., Ueki,S., Tachibana,K., Kono,T., and Takagi,A.,
Two-dimensional depth structure of the crust beneath the Tohoku
district,the northeastern Japan arc-Part 2. Moho discontinuity and P-wave
velocity, J.Phys.Earth, 30, 71-86, 1982.
- 堀内茂木・佐藤俊也・堀修一郎・佐藤隆司・楠瀬勤一郎・石井紘・高木章雄,青森県
た震源分布ー,地震,2輯, 34, 81-93, 1981.
- 堀内茂木・増田徹・浅野周三・吉井敏剋・金田義行・岡田広・島村英紀・高波鉄夫,
地震,2輯, 34, 521-533, 1981.
- Tanaka,K., Horiuchi,S., Sato,T., and Zana,N., The earthquake
generating stresses in the western rift valley of Africa, J. Phys. Earth,
28, 45-57, 1980.
- 堀内茂木,プレートの絶対運動と深震地震面の形状ー伊豆・小笠原マリアナ
弧ー,地震,2輯,30, 435-447, 1977.
- Masuda,T., Horiuchi,S., and Takagi,A., Far-field seismic radiation and
its dependence upon the dynamic fracture process,Sci.Rep.Tohoku
Univ.,Ser..5, Geophysics, 24, 73-87, 1977.
- Masuda,T., Horiuchi,S., and Takagi,A., Dynamic features of expanding
shear cracks in the presence of frictions, Sci.Rep.Tohoku
Univ.,Ser..5,Geophysics, 24, 55-72, 1977.
- Horiuchi,S., Koyama,J., Izutani,Y., Onodera,I., and Hirasawa,T., Earthquake
Generating stress in the Kulil-Kamchatka seismic region derived from
superposition of P-wave initial motions,Sci.Rep.Tohoku
Univ.,Ser..5,Geophysics, 23, 67-81, 1975.
- Izutani,Y., Koyama,J., Horiuchi,S. and Hirasawa,T., Tectonical
Implication of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc from composite mechanism
solutions, Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ.,Ser..5,Geophysics, 23, 1-12, 1975.
- 長谷川武司・堀修一郎・長谷川昭・笠原敬司・堀内茂木・小山順二,1970年秋田県
南東部の地震の発震機構,地震,第2輯, 27 , 302-312,1974.
- Koyama,J., Horiuchi,S. and Hirasawa,T., Elastic waves generated from
sudden vanishing of rigidity in a spherical region,. J.Phys.Earth, 21,
213-226, 1973.
- 小山順二,堀内茂木,平澤朋郎,P波初動の重ね合わせから推定される東北日本の
起震歪力,地震,2輯,26, 241-253, 1973.
- 堀内茂木・江村欽也・平澤朋郎,気象庁観測網を用いる場合のP波による発震機構
決定の精度,地震,第2輯,25, 92-104, 1972.
2005/12/09 updated